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However, "you don't want to overinfer or get so fine-grained that it's creepy, " Gilbert cautions.

Have you ever used the words unpleasant, creepy crawly, creeping, itching, pulling, or tugging to describe your symptoms to others?

The empty exoskeleton of a huntsman spider, like this one in Arizona, is only slightly less creepy than the real thing.

It is hard to look at the small blonde child on the right, her eyes expressly made creepy by the smudging of one iris, and not feel that Modigliani was trying to paint human pain itself.

It felt a little creepy, too.

She used her magic and turned her smile and laugh into a creepy way.

Modern Halloween is a celebration of all things creepy and spooky - and of whose mothers make the best costumes.

Two monsters are lying under the bed, one says to the other “I keep getting this creepy feeling there is something up there.”

That was a really creepy coincidence.

As soon as you get them, you get loads of creepy guys.

I was embarrassed for my father, whose outreach consisted mostly of cringe-inducing letters and creepy rehab art he sent me from various institutions.

In the pilot, we are introduced to Felicity's creepy roommate.

However, his turn as a wheelchair-bound manipulator in Unbreakable is something genuinely different, and all the more creepy for it.


Each creepy critter searches for sweets.

This patent is downright creepy and invasive — certainly far more than would be needed to respond to the possible loss of a phone.

But that really would be creepy, so we sort of hope it never happens.

The procedure is creepy if you don't like needles.

It's creepy, cliche, and instantly makes us think of our dear old dads, which is obviously a total turnoff.

How creepy!     

Book a room on the haunted hotel's third floor, where Haunt Analyst and Atlanta Ghost Hunter collected most of their proof, for a similarly creepy experience, but be prepared.

Tags:造句 creepy
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