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“somebody else”簡單造句,somebody else造句子

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My father is thinking of retiring from the family business and letting somebody else take the wheel.

To many, Vietnam proves the futility of Western powers using force in somebody else's country.

But ultimately most firms will have no choice but to do business on somebody else's digital property, and to agitate for better terms if the owner gets too greedy.

That was somebody elses whoop, or else I was turned around. I throwed the paddle down.

"You might envision it in a different way when somebody else is reading it than you would if you were concentrating on the words yourself, " said college student Katherine Barrett.

Also, occasionally, a user mistakenly adds your address to their address book and you end up essentially getting somebody else's mail.

This gives a business administrator the opportunity to reassign the task to somebody else.

Daughters go off to look after somebody else's old age, and, in India, require a dowry.

Problems with projects can invariably be traced back to somebody not talking to somebody else about something important.

Having a real GF will force you to learn about responsibility, sacrifice, being faithful, taking into account somebody else's feeling, not just your own.

Some of you will see it as green, the others will see it as light green, somebody else might consider it puke-green or his/her-first-car-green.

And if I was too lazy or too dainty or too busy, and left it for someone else, somebody else soon taught me different.

That is the most obvious identification of a speaker but of course the speaker could be somebody else and I'm not introducing a measure of skepticism in saying this.

somebody else造句

An icon is something that somebody else makes you.

Nevertheless, it's not enough that you want to be somebody else or want to live like somebody else.

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