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“affirmative action”簡單造句,affirmative action造句子

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But if Asians are being held back, it's not so much because of affirmative action but because of preference for whites.

That was when the Malay majority institutionalised affirmative action for themselves, to the disadvantage of ethnic Chinese (a majority in penang), who were perceived to have got unduly rich.

Universities have taken seriously calls for inclusiveness and affirmative action.

Mr Gonzales is a polite and inoffensive man. He has moderate views on affirmative action and abortion.

However, none of the court decisions or programs on either side of the Atlantic makes any real attempt to address the larger racial issues that created the need for affirmative action from the start.

affirmative action造句

Students discuss the issue of affirmative action and college admissions.

Third, bash affirmative action, as the late North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms did in 1990 when he ran an AD showing white hands crumpling a job rejection notice.

And, for just that reason, it is a pattern of success that illuminates why affirmative action is such an odd fit for the largely immigrant Asian-American community, and places in sharp relief the difference between the Asian and black sojourns in America.

Likewise, Susan Koo, president of the Niles West Korean Club, number three in her class and one of three National Merit semifinalists, hasn't thought much about affirmative action.

In the big University of Michigan affirmative action case of 2003, the court again only released audiotapes.

Don't we need affirmative action to keep bigoted employers from refusing to.

The traditional remedy was "affirmative action" : various measures by universities to ensure higher rates of black enrolment.

The new laws also seek to tighten existing legislation on affirmative action, decreeing that black South Africans must constitute at least 60% of senior management by 2017, up from 26% at present.

Whatever the political motivations of the SLATE, Mr. Unz and the other members have hit on two increasingly contentious issues in higher education: astronomical college costs and affirmative action.

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