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So, the paper takes tamper-proof technique used to guarantee the security of the dynamic graph software watermarking as primary researching subject.


To prevent a recurrence, the FDA mandated new tamper-proof seals for over-the-counter drugs.

At the end of the trip the receiver breaks the tamper-proof seal, opens the instrument, and removes the chart of in-transit temperature conditions.

In 828, 804 polling stations, 1, 368, 430 simple, robust and apparently tamper-proof electronic voting machines will be deployed.

One of the key advantages of DSig-based protocols is the ability to both assert identity and create a tamper-proof envelope of the content of the message which are often both required together.

The messages exchanged are tamper-proof so that no third party can change the content and cause harm to either party.

It is built on the hardened, tamper-proof DataPower platform.

Those travelling within the EU's 27 member states plus Norway, Iceland and Switzerland can take duty-free goods on connecting flights, provided they are in tamper-proof bags.

Mr Frauenfelder rightly highlights the impotent fury aroused by tamper-proof tabs seals, and the joy of mastering recalcitrant gadgets.

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