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“hanging up”簡單造句,hanging up造句子

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Prisoner try to individualize their cell by hanging up picture, etc.

You startle your friends by asking nervously, "Who is it? What do you want?" and hanging up before they have time to reply.

After hanging up the phone, I could not help laughing my ass off, thinking that my mother had been hooked up and that when I got back home tomorrow and broke the lie, she must be very happy.

Wait until done daydreams, and idly turning body, feeling the table, huh? Or 7:50, don't watch stopped? My heart suddenly hanging up, hurriedly put on shoes, go to the living room.

One was escaping from a straitjacket while hanging upside down from a building.

I'm hanging up this futon to dry.

The ball, turned several turn in rebounds as the puppy home, let the heart hanging up.

As I finished hanging up the last of my husband's shirts, I looked at the clock. 2:30.

"Funny thing is", he smiled: "when I came out in the morning to pick them up." There aren't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before.

There may happen to be a full moon hanging up among the stars like a picture. Yellow wooden lamps sway in the wind which gives you a romantic and cozy feeling, like "bamboo swaying in the breeze".

Some challenged the height requirement by hanging upside down by their heels to stretch themselves out, while others simply begged the examiners to pass them anyway.

The practice of children's hanging up stockings for receiving gifts on Christmas Eve began quite accidentally.

The child's mother, who was hanging up laundry nearby, came rushing to the scene after hearing Chen's calls, which had been ignored by others, according to state media.

After hanging up his boots, the ex-England international is determined to learn from the best at Carrington as he looks to make his mark in the coaching world.

hanging up造句

After hanging up, though, I began to get nervous.

After hanging up, he looks for advice from the friends who are in the shop with him.

"These forty, divided into two shifts, will have the job of burning incense, keeping the lamps filled with oil, hanging up curtains, watching by the coffin, offering sacrificial rice and tea, and mourning with the mourners. Nothing else."

Look,that ship is hanging up on a coral reef

He couldn't even remember where and when he first heard of the change, but before hanging up, he reminded me not to use his name.

Okay it may not look like much but you try hanging upside down for two and a half days.

Q: why was the emperor so diligent in the Ming Dynasty? God replies: has the subject ever reviewed the whole night before the exam, but in the end, the experience of hanging up?

You walk around thebuilding and see posters hanging up with happy groups of people working andplaying together.

Ordinary relationship will be normally shown by slight handshaking or hanging up on shoulders or hugging.

Tang wept after hanging up the phone. Now he was fully aware that it was their behavior, accidental or not, which led to Zhang's death.

A few miles away, you can hear the roar, like a thousand troops shouting, like ten thousand horses galloping, overlooking the waterfall as white practice hanging upside down, hanging down.

A parrot was on a branch, hanging upside down, with its bright eyes and red beak.

Tags:造句 hanging
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