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Measurement of these nuclei are often limited by interferences of isotopes and isobars.

In any event, Iran could buy medical isotopes it needs from private suppliers, as most other countries do.

Madam Curie, studying the micro world, discovered the two isotopes of Polonium and Radium, which paved the way for the development and application of the theory of radioactivity.

As the Economist went to press it was unclear whether Iran would accept or haggle over the deal, which would keep in operation a research reactor that makes medical isotopes.


Expectant mothers may not do work connected with radioactive isotopes.

With this shortage of medical isotopes looming worldwide, other countries have begun to act.

Analysis of carbon isotopes, among other things, shows that the carbon dioxide from industry accounts for most of the build-up in the atmosphere.

They are proud of having developed a workable bomb and built their own reactors, despite sanctions that prevented them from importing technology or from attending conferences to discuss isotopes.

Xenon possesses nine stable isotopes.

A large number of radioactive isotopes among the heavy elements are of three series.

There are several ways to separate the excited molecule from the unexcited molecule, so that we can obtain a large number of the isotopes we need.

A study this March of clamshells taken from Iceland found that the levels of oxygen isotopes in the shell layers varied depending on the temperature of the water in which they formed.

Effect of environmental isotopes on studying groundwater in YinMahe drainage basin and the regional hydrogeology are described in this paper.

"A colourless, odourless, tasteless, flammable gas, it occurs as the diatomic molecule H2. Its atom consists of one proton (the nucleus) and one electron; the isotopes deuterium and tritium have an additional one and two nuclear neutrons, respectively."

Indirect ionization by neutrons can also result from fission of plutonium or uranium isotopes.

Most of the samples that have passed across Hasegawa's desk have proved to be within the legal consumption limit of the radioactive isotopes cesium 134 and 137 and iodine 131.

They believe that demand will rise not just for medical isotopes but also for Canada's CANDU reactors, which use a different technology from many elsewhere.

That water signature is in the form of oxygen isotopes, atoms of oxygen with different Numbers of neutrons.

Sohlieren type pamatites and injected pegmatite veins, differentiation of some elements such as volatiles and isotopes in different phases are important symbols of the liquid immiscibility.

The inventors called their idea Silex, for separation of isotopes by laser excitation.

Rhenium isotopes are used to treat liver cancer.

Tags:isotopes 造句
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