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The eggs of a hummingbird are no bigger than your thumbnail.

Joggers are back in parks and wildlife is airborne once more: a hummingbird regularly looks in on The Economist's offices.

The paper introduce in detail the working principle mechanics design electronic circuit principle and the innovative design of the hummingbird series laser printer developed by Samsung electronics.

The smaller the bird, for example, the more agile the flying — a swan may need the equivalent of two football fields to take off and get lift, while a hummingbird can rise like a helicopter.

The tiniest green hummingbird in the world?

I glance up to see an iridescent-green hummingbird hunkered down a fir branch, sheltered against the tree's trunk.

We have just had our first snow of the year, and this hummingbird has decided to spend his day hanging out by our feeder.

The thrill of seeing my first hummingbird in my upstate New York garden has never left me -- the sight of this unbelievably tiny creature with dazzling plumage flitting boldly from flower to flower.

The bird was green all over, with a long pointed mouth, much like a hummingbird, but much larger than a hummingbird.

I can preserve his inspiring legacy more powerfully through writing than through the hummingbird pendant I wear around my neck.

I can preserve his inspiring legacy more powerfully through writing than through the hummingbird pendant I wear around my neck to honor his homeland of Trinidad, or a picture or heirloom.

The flying dart is hovering around the parent body like a hummingbird, whimpering pitifully.

“A hummingbird can hover like a helicopter for one and a half hours, nonstop,” Dr. Tobalske said. “No other bird can do that.”


Video reveals rare hummingbird courtship dis.

You'll still retain the swing, but this year you're going to feel a lot more like a hummingbird: still mobile, still getting things done, but in a much more elegant manner.

"A hummingbird can hover like a helicopter for one and a half hours, nonstop," Dr. Tobalske said.

Her heart fluttering like hummingbird wings in the cave of her chest.

The wake of a hovering rufous hummingbird. Yellow vectors show air velocity, revealed by particle image velocimetry.

Zeet…zeet, hummingbird calls angrily.

fine day 《禮物》 詩/[波蘭] 切·米沃什 譯/李以亮 Have another for fine day! 如此幸福的一天! The inside in the garden stem lives son, morning fog already dissipation, 霧早早散了,我漫步花園 The hummingbird flies up the flower petal of honeysuckle. 蜂鳥歇息在忍冬花上

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