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Hydraulic press machine, used for sesame, canola, food, light is convenient, the squeezing for operation.

Numerical results show that the squeezing ratio decreases at some initial distance when the soliton source chirp is positive.

The handle of Huangxing glue squeezing gun was design in the middle, it is convenient and smart. It is easy to operate. And the plank can move towards freely when stop squeezing.

You can make sure the white vegetables stay white by squeezing a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice into the cooking water.

Therefore, the mop can be squeezed by the squeezing device at any time and washed at any time. The utility model is suitable for the use of large-area places.

Love is squeezing lemon in her tea.

'Forever and ever, ' Ellen assures, squeezing his hand.

The toothpaste squeezing clamp body can be made into a cylinder or a rectangle.

Maps that are identified as Epic have enough space to let Huge creatures move around without squeezing.

Individual pile should be kept driving continuously while earth squeezing should be avoided to ensure bearing capacity and minimized lateral displacement.

For the sake of squeezing more time for revision, I didn't cook by myself last month. It is the first day of another new month, I am beginning to cook by myself and run again today.

While regulators are squeezing from one side, the exchanges' clients—particularly the investment banks, brokerages and hedge funds—are squeezing from the other.

In this case, the third hall was also subjected to more squeezing, obstructing, making difficulties and destroying.

The squeezing action forces the displacer of the screw into the sheet, causing it to reduce the mounting-hole diameter and captivate the screw.


Supermarkets are accused of squeezing both customers and suppliers.

a utensil with a conical ridged center that is used for squeezing juice from citrus fruit.

I was squeezing the toothpaste when I heard a middle-aged woman talking loudly. Her voice came right out from the very hole in the basin.

Methods: Cellophane tapes were adopted with squeezing and smearing method.

There is time to learn, the problem is that we are not good at squeezing, willing to drill.

Camping doesn't actually have to be run like a military manoeuvre - and squeezing everything you own into the boot of your car might be quite a stressful way to start your holiday.

While you are in the pose, concentrate on drawing the forearms in and squeezing the upper arms to the bones until the arms are straight.

This is not just squeezing the lemon for a bit more juice.

Mechanical aspects: to prevent a strong impact, squeezing and vibration.

But when President Hugo chavez came to power in 1999, he started squeezing even more money out of the firm.

We took the subway in Beijing and Shanghai joked that "Beijing's subway to a woman squeezing a miscarriage, the Shanghai subway to squeeze a woman pregnant," the Guangzhou No. 3 line on the road?

If your child spends six weeks in the summer squeezing in a whole year of history material to receive school credit, in the long run, you will learn this way was harmful for your child.

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