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Think of it as the connective tissue for HP's cloud.

The connective tissue attached to transplants severely interfered with their acceptance and growth.

Pathologically, the pulmonary lesions seen in patients with silicosis are centrilobular, peribronchiolar nodules consisting of layers of laminated connective tissue.

The results show that, there are typical Golgi apparatus in spermatogonium, they are located near the nuclear membrane, and the saccules are connected by connective tubules.

Leydig cell distributes in the connective tissue of the Seminiferous and its weight is only 2 percent of the whole testis, but it synthesizes 95 percent of the whole testosterone in human body.


Don't overuse a causal connective like 'because'.

Expression of connective tissue growth factor in pathological scar

Preparation of anti-human connective tissue growth factor immunomagnetic nanoparticles and biological activity assays

A preliminary study of transforming growth factor-β1-mRNA and connective tissue growth factor-mRNA on pulmonary interstitial fibrosis in rats

The part of the embryonic mesoderm, consisting of loosely packed, unspecialized cells set in a gelatinous ground substance, from which connective tissue, bone, cartilage, and the circulatory and lymphatic systems develop.

A spreading inflammation of subcutaneous or connective tissue.

The choroid plexus is composed of loose connective tissue of the pia mater.

However, the traditional M-P neuron model which used connective weights and a nonlinear activation function simulate the operation of neural's synapse and soma respectively.

The isolation at port and port between be differ that in addition to itself circulation state, and yet relate with the reflection-coefficient of external connective load at the three port.

The surgeon cut through connective tissue to expose the bone.

The periodontal ligament is a connective tissue located between the cementum of teeth and the alveolar bone of the mandibula.

Promote cells regeneration, instantly lift and firm eye skin, remove fine line in canthus; replenish fatty acid, constantly moisturize skin; with outstanding effect for droopy skin, firm the connective tissue, keep eye skin firm, fade eye bags, promote lymph circulation and make eye bright.

In most conditions, the callus happened to develop readily from the anther filaments and connective tissues.

Staining a fish's bones and connective tissue with dyes, then rendering its flesh transparent with the help of enzymes, makes it easier for biologists to study the creature's anatomy.

It is a malignant connective (soft) tissue tumor whose neoplastic cells present osteoblastic differentiation and form tumoral bone.

Surgeons cut off connective tissue to expose their bones.

irregular dense fibrous connective tissue

The loose connective tissue rich in blood vessels located in the subepithelial layer, and most m…

They could be employed, Mr Murphy suggests, to place liver cells on a pre-built, liver-shaped scaffold or to form layers of lining and connective tissue that would grow into a tooth.

Can bring a spider to go already your connective page, can bring a spider to go again your rich guest collects your essay.

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