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Foods such as crunchy fruits and vegetables, for instance, can help "move" sugary or starchy foods out of the mouth.

He's searching for deeply colored flesh that is crisp but not crunchy and so juicy that pools fill the divots left by a spoon.

For other children, the issue is sensory, making certain textures and smells of food unpleasant; some children eat only crunchy foods, while others will stick to a white-foods-only diet.

They are also very, very delicious: biscuity and crunchy and crumbly and chocolaty.

“Intestine chips and tendon chips are crunchy and salty, while lung chips tastes like liver, but less bitter and springier,” said Chiu.

The word "cereal" has been hijacked, however, by food producers who make tiny, crunchy breakfast cakes out of true cereal with the addition of sugar, corn syrup, salt, food dyes and preservatives.


How to eat: Asian-style slaw or as a crunchy topping on burgers and sandwiches.

We all know that Fried food is not particularly good for us, but that doesn't stop us craving the occasional crispy, crunchy golden brown something or other.

Down south, it's usually cod, but wherever you find it, there are few things to beat the taste of fish steaming inside crunchy batter and chips doused in vinegar.

They 're crunchy, sugar-free, and high in monounsaturated fats, the same type of healthy fats found in olive oil.

So, children, here are some crunchy facts.

"It is not because they are crunchy vegetables, but when the buds from this group of vegetables sprouts, their leaves form a cross like a crucifix," explains Denver dietitian Mary Lee Chin, MS, RD.

In a second study, students rated crunchy foods as crunchier in the presence of loud white noise-perhaps because it tuned them into the sound of their food.

The true dan dan noodle dish is made with a blistering chili black bean paste, ground pork, a dollop of raw minced garlic and crunchy ground peanuts topped off with scallions and cilantro.

This crunchy green leafy vegetable is very rich in calcium, the main nutrient that helps in bone health.

I've also added my own little flourish, caramelized pecans, which add a crunchy nuttiness to every spoonful.

Tags:crunchy 造句
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