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7、Ramona had not learned those erotic monkeyshines in a manual.

11、Until then, the EOCS will work with individual erotic game companies to help ease the transition.

15、He would have difficulty finding a new woman every week. It would mean an end to his erotic adventures.

19、The time they went with his family to Ocean City; the erotic fantasies he used to have about her.

23、Tell 10 stories in one week, you are a stories teller; tell thousands of erotic stories, you are a Lord of obscene.

27、WARSAW (Reuters) - Warsaw's symbol, a half naked mermaid, will have her chest covered on a poster promoting the Miss World competition after the original version was judged too erotic.

1、erotic art, verse, photography, etc

5、Method of erotic image filtering in real internet

10、Under their stagnant respectability are whirlpools of evil and erotic passion.

16、But at the beginning of this century, the tango was refined, so that it lost its erotic features.

21、There is also a suspicion that Chuan Ying Lou seems to carry an erotic undertone--does it in any way reflect my romances?

26、Western-style bars, rich coffee, and the nostalgic atmosphere of ambiguous teenage girls have created erotic and spiritual masturbation for the quasi-middle class, creating a chamber of sensory release.


2、An erotic quality or theme.

8、a performer who provides erotic entertainment by undressing to music.

14、About the imagination, I think of that as belonging to eros, but it isn't as if that defines eros, the erotic. I shouldn't say eros. I mean the erotic.

22、Ive always been obsessed with the genre, and the beautiful romanticism and erotic kind of nature of the immortal being, the undead who lives on human blood.

29、My heart was pounding the whole time. It was the most erotic moment of my life. Up until then, at least. 當時我的心一直像小鹿亂撞,那應該是我這輩子最*感的一刻了,至少在此之前沒有過。

6、It was the most insanely erotic moment of Howell's life.

17、The second was that commercials that had an erotic element would be recalled more readily than those that did not.

25、She argues that "erotic capital" is an underrated class of personal asset, to set beside economic capital (what you have), human capital (what you know) and social capital (who you know).

4、An erotic rotation of the pelvis.

18、porno film | x-rated movie | sexploiter [sex exploiter]|eroduction | erotic film | wet dream | x-rated movie | xanthic film

30、Ms Horn's early objets— phallic horns attached to the head, curved horns extending from a woman's About sponsorship Rebecca Horn Neither silent nor a lamb breasts to her mouth— have a prosthetic weirdness about them that unashamedly echoes Surrealism's taste for erotic fetishism.

13、The first ornament that came into being, the cross, had an erotic origin.

3、What do you mean by erotic?

24、There is still space between the two of you where you can long for each other and this creates a new erotic curiosity.

20、Developed by the Austrian peasantry, the waltz was originally rejected by the upper class because of its humble social origins and because it was seen as too erotic.

28、This famous nude, at once erotic and chaste, is possibly a response to the work of his star pupils and their fashion for portraying female beauties and poetical landscapes.

12、Dance is performed for various purposes like ceremonial dance, erotic dance, performance dance, social dance etc.

9、Dutch carpenter's range of erotic furniture is going on display at an art gallery.

Tags:erotic 造句
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