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Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick

How do some friends survive every winter without even catching a cold?Some experts believe that they boost their immunity through simple lifestyle habits.Let's steal their strategies and stay healthy all winter long.


It's long been known that friendship is good for your health.In fact,people with six or more types of relationship in their lives were 25% less likely to get sick than those with three or fewer.It's possible that people with various social networks have diverse perceptions of themselves﹣﹣﹣as a co﹣worker,friend or community member.That boosts self﹣esteem and makes it easier to avoid stress.As a result,these people tend to stay healthier.Steal this secret:be open to meeting new people; go to new events and reestablish old friendship.


Research has found that moderate exercise can improve immune function and build up resistance to colds and infections.On study of 36overweight women,conducted at Loma Linda University,in California,found that those who walked quickly for 45minutes 5days a week reported half the number of days with cold symptoms during a 15﹣week period as their sedentary(久坐的) counterparts.Steal the secret:aim for 40to 45minutes of moderate exercise,such as brisk walking,cycling,swimming or light running,at least five days a week.


Numerous studies have found that writing about a difficult or painful event not only accelerates the process of coping with it,but also can improve your physical health.When people write about upsetting or distressing experiences,it helps them judge the events more sensibly,understand them better and move on.Steal the secret:set aside twenty minutes a day for three successive days to write about the things that are most important to you now and how they're affecting you.


Even small pleasures﹣﹣﹣having friends over for dinner,playing with your kids in the backyard or going to a concert﹣﹣can boost your immune system.In fact,according to research at the State University of New York,positive events have a better effect on immune function than negative events.Steal this secret:make time for yourself.Start devoting at least half an hour a day to talking to a friend,reading a book or indulging in your favorite activity.Think of it as preventive medicine.


Experts know that pressure increases the chance of catching the cold.The reason?Your body's helper﹣﹣﹣T cells,which are key to defending against viruses,become weakened when you're worn out.Steal the secret:do some problem﹣solving.First,take a hard look at the situation and really consider whether you can do anything to change things.If you conclude that you can't change that situation,try to change your physical and emotional reactions to it.Engaging in meditation,yoga or deep﹣breathing exercises and listing to calming music also help relieve stress.

A.Enjoy the little things.

B.Get moving.

C.Be a social butterfly.

D.Don't get yourself down by stress.

E.Get your funny bone.

F.Keep a journal.





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