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ClareCollege CambridgeClareisthesecondoldestcollegeinCa...

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ClareCollege CambridgeClareisthesecondoldestcollegeinCa...

Clare College  Cambridge

Clare is the second oldest college in Cambridge University, having initially been founded in 1326 and refounded by Elizabath de Clare in 1338. Today, we uphold her educational and social goals and College is a booming community of over 100 Fellows, 450 undergraduate students, 200 graduate students and 100 staff.

The College welcomes visitors, but please remember it is a working environment supporting academic scholarship. We hope you will enjoy the beauty of the gardens and buildings, but it is essential that visitors:

l         conduct themselves quietly around the College;

l         avoid blocking paths or doorways;

l         do not enter areas marked “Private” or “Closed”

Historic buildings have steep steps and some rough surfaces. So please mind your steps. Please help to maintain the appearance of the College grounds by:

l         not picnicking or dropping litter;

l         keeping to the pathways in Old Court;

l         not smoking while on the College grounds.

The Porters cabins provide first aid facilities. Unfortunately, Clare College does not have public toilets.


Visitors may use hand held cameras. Photography for commercial purposes requires prior permission in writing from the Head Porter.

Preservation and Donations

Clare College receives no state funding for the preservation of these historic buildings and gardens, but relies instead on donations. If you would like to support the work of the College, its buildings or gardens. Please contact the Development Office (http: www. ). We welcome inquires.

59. From the writing we can learn that Clare College_________.

A. only opens part of her buildings and gardens to the public

B. mainly gets the money from donators and the government

C. enjoys a growing reputation as the second largest in Cambridge University

D. welcomes cameramen to take photos on campus for different purposes

60. Suppose you are a tour guide with a group at Clare College, which of the following might truly  

put you to trouble?

A. A couple insist enjoying their lunch on the lawn.

B. A child needs to go to the bathroom all of a sudden.

C. An elderly woman falls off the steps and hurts herself.

D. Some tourists keep exchanging ideas in a loud voice.

61. We can most probably get this piece of writing from_________.

A. the academic website of Cambridge University

B. the Development Office of Clare College 

C. the Head Porter of Cambridge University

D. the main entrance of Clare College





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