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I’m exhausted after a day’s housework. “Sometimes I just want to do something   41  than all of this…”, I tell my husband Tony, who sits beside me in   42  , weighing his words. Finally, he says, “What you’re doing feels really small, but it doesn’t mean that it is.” His words remind me of the   43   that had happened on the driveway earlier that morning.

The kids lined up their scooters (滑板車) for a friendly   44  . I launched the action with a wave of my hand and stepped back to watch the race. Wheels rolled. Kids cheered   45  . But then, a sharp cry ended the   46  .

My 10-year-old daughter fell down on the ground,   47   by a group of broken scooter parts. Blood leaked from an obvious cut in her knee, and tears   48   in her blue eyes.

“What happened?” I asked as I ran to her side.

“I don’t know…” Hannah said as she   49   the scooter. “My scooter was just missing one little piece…”

She dropped her head in   50  . “Something fell off my scooter right before the race began, but it was a small thing, so I didn’t think it was   51  .”

As I lifted Hannah to her feet, her little brother began   52   the scattered parts in a bucket.

With a smile, he presented the pieces to his sister and   53  , “I guess a small thing was really a big deal after all.”

“Who dares to   54   the day of small things…” When we prepared to   55   an old house, one small brick matters. Like the children of Judah, we, too, have a choice. We can   56   the significance of our lives by the size of our   57  , or we can trust God to use our   58  offerings for his great glory.

As for me, I think I’ll ask God to renew my love for this   59   life that I live, because there’s a   60   scooter in my garage that reminds me of my son’s declaration.

41. A. smaller          B. prettier         C. bigger           D. easier

42. A. anger                B. silence          C. delight              D. doubt

43. A. beauty               B. silence              C. accident         D. delight

44. A. discussion           B. argument         C. activity         D. competition

45. A. happily          B. angrily              C. politely         D. gradually

46. A. line             B. fun              C. part             D. side

47. A. covered              B. included         C. surrounded           D. buried

48. A. welled up            B. burst out            C. came up          D. brought up

49. A. deserted         B. rolled               C. cleaned          D. examined

50. A. excitement           B. embarrassment        C. amazement            D. amusement

51. A. important            B. creative             C. strange          D. pleasant

52. A. floating             B. arranging            C. gathering            D. recovering

53. A. judged               B. pointed          C. explained            D. declared

54. A. look down upon       B. make most of         C. look up to           D. take hold of

55. A. destroy          B. present          C. reward               D. rebuild

56. A. offer                B. measure          C. convince         D. remind

57. A. scores               B. preparations     C. achievements     D. failures

58. A. small                B. huge             C. unusual          D. sharp

59. A. valuable         B. wealthy          C. significant          D. ordinary

60. A. perfect              B. broken               C. harmful          D. useful



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