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Anyone who is afraid of failure and afraid to face challenges will never taste success, so said our professor in marketing. I laughed it off at that time, but got frightened when it actually happened in my life.

I landed in a small city in the Middle East to set up a firm, a world-class car rental firm. Having decided on the project, I earnestly settled in preparation. With a positive mind, I told myself nothing should stop me now, and was more than keen to make it a success.

However, the least expected thing happened. Iraq invaded Kuwait. Tension ran high in the region. Eventually the war broke out, and many people fled the country, leaving my firm in deep trouble.

As usual, “things become difficult, and every effort seems to bring disappointment, it can be tempting to lower your expectations or even water down your goals and ambitions.”I was no exception. I thought of running away. I remembered the words of Thomas Edison, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to succeed when they gave up.”

I decided to hang on, telling myself, “I am not afraid of challenges and obstacles.” I stayed on through months of uncertainty and insecurity. Finances ran low, and banks could not wait to get their dues. To add to all this, the banks even threatened to take all my vehicles. I felt I made a wrong decision to move there. I was now ready to face failure.

I was living against all hopes, believing that something good would happen. After 2 months the war ended. My persistence paid off: people started flooding back and the car bookings picked up, five times over.

Success comes to the one who dares, even after failure, to think positively and look forward confidently. After all, it is only the experience that makes a man tough. Failure does not mean you will never make it. It means that it will take a little longer. It provides us with a learning experience.

28. The main method the author uses to support his understanding of his professor’s viewpoint is _______.

A. offering analyses                        B. providing explanations  

C. making comparisons               D. giving examples 

29. How did the author feel when the war between Iraq and Kuwait broke out?

A. Unconfident      B. Indifferent      C. Nervous        D. Calm

30. What does the underlined phrase “water down” in the 4th paragraph probably mean?

A. get rid of      B. smooth away       C. make less forceful      D. improve on

31. The author’s purpose of writing the passage is most likely to ________.

A. inform            B. persuade      C. describe      D. entertain





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