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    Florida deputy Gene Smith thought the calls about a kangaroo wandering on the street were part of a prank. But WTSP reports that the story was true: A five-foot-tall, 200-pound kangaroo was hopping around Pasco County on Sunday.

    Then the call came that it was now on US 301. Gene Smith, who noted that the calls were the strangest he'd received during 17 years on the force, said, "Sure enough, there was a kangaroo in the middle of the road. It was a pretty big and extremely strong animal. It wasn't until I grabbed those legs that I realized just how strong they were. It doesn't look like that on TV."

    In fact, the kangaroo was so strong that police couldn't catch it. Along with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Pasco County Sheriff's Office Agricultural Unit, they tried a number of approaches to wrangle in the animal without seriously injuring it. But even tranquilizers (鎮定劑) could not slow down the creature. Eventually, local resident Kevin Wehling, who said “he had heard rumors about the kangaroo and wanted to see it for himself,” captured the animal.

    Kangaroos typically do not attack humans unless they are angered. However, an Australian politician was recently knocked down and scratched facing a kangaroo while out for a morning jog. They can become more aggressive when hungry or thirsty, or, in this case, when they find themselves in a strange environment with a team of police officers hunting them down.

    Police still have no idea who owns the kangaroo have now placed it in the care of a vet. Technically, you can raise a kangaroo in the Sunshine State if you have the right permits. In theory, wildlife officials should be able to narrow the field and pinpoint (查明) where the stray kangaroo came from.

36. What does the underlined word "prank" in Paragraph 1 mean?

    A. Task.            B. Plan.            C. Trick.           D. Show.

37. According to what Gene Smith said in Para-graph 2, we infer that____.

    A. he was skilled at grabbing kangaroos

    B. he had seen many kangaroos in the wild before

    C. he had always worried that kangaroos would attack people

    D. he didn't expect capturing the kangaroo would be that hard

38. What role did Kevin Wehling play in the action of capturing the kangaroo?

    A. He managed to put the kangaroo under control.

    B. He shot tranquilizers into the body of the kangaroo.

    C. He spread rumors that the kangaroo was unbeatable.

    D. He stood in the way of the kangaroo and slowed it down.

39. What can we infer from Paragraph 4?

    A. Kangaroos are the gentlest animals in the world.

    B. Kangaroos can be dangerous in certain circumstances.

    C. Kangaroos usually beg for food when they are hungry.

    D. Kangaroos can adapt to a strange environment quickly.

40. Wildlife officials should be able to pinpoint where the stray kangaroo came from because______.

    A. the kangaroo can lead them to its owner

    B. they can refer to the kangaroo's footsteps

    C. cameras have recorded the kangaroo's track

    D. they can refer to records of people keeping Kangaroos






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