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It is a sad fact of life that only one or two percent of invented items make money for their author of this book believes this could be increased to ten percent if inventors were provided with and used the information available now.

Most inventors do not have the qualities needed for creating successful as Edison is a classic gh a brilliant inventor,he often failed when he tried to commercialize(利用……牟利)his inventions.

A frequent mistake is that they didn't do basic market research at an early have spent much money on patenting and tooling,only to learn that the idea has already been patented!Without giving away details of his invention,an inventor can make a simple check using local library directories. A simple computer check may show incredible sources of information related to his item.

As children we were told that Emerson had said,“If you build a better mousetrap,the world will beat a path to your door.”So many inventors think that they can sit back and wait for customers to who thinks,in this day and age,that a product will sell itself is out of touch with the real world.

Inventors often fail to realize that manufacturing costs are often only a small percent of the retail price(零售價).

The author also devotes an entire chapter to “Ten Ways to Invention Suicide”.This chapter analyzes ten common ways in which inventors end their inventions' talks about the “paranoid inventor” who cannot bring himself to trust anyone,“the omnipotent inventor” who thinks that without any resources he can take on an entire industry,and the “greedy inventor” who wants it all for himself.

The book concludes that if the inventor thinks that there is some magic formula for the commercialization of his invention,his invention will probably end up among the 98 percent that ver,if the inventor makes an honest effort to understand the process of new product development,he can succeed.

36.What are Paragraphs 2-5 mainly about?

A.Tips on how to become an inventor.

B.The qualities of a good inventor.

C.The similarities between inventors all around the world.

D.Reasons why inventors fail to make money from their inventions.

37.What mistakes do inventors often make?

a.not doing basic market research beforehand

B.expecting products to sell themselves

c.knowing little about business

D.not caring about costs

A.abc                      B.acd

C.ab                              D.cd

rding to Paragraph 6,the “paranoid  inventor” ________.

A.doesn't rely on any resources

B.has difficulty in believing others

C.is greedy and wants all the profits

D.is more likely to make money from his invention

39.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.only ten percent of invented items make money for their inventors

B.the author agrees  with  what  Emerson  said  about           the mousetrap

C.the author gives a magic formula to commercialize inventions

D.inventors should understand how new products are developed

40. Where can we most probably read the passage?

A.In a book review.

B.In a research report.

C.In an interview with inventor

D.In a news report.





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