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       American colleges and universities consider a number of things about a student who wants to be admitted.Admission officers look not only at the grades that the student has earned.They also look at the level of difficulty of the classes.

       A student’s interests and activities may also play a part in getting accepted.But in most cases another consideration is how well the student did on college entrance exams.The SAT(Scholastic Assessment Tests) measures reasoning(推理) skills in mathematics and language.Students have almost four hours to complete the SAT.The newest part is an essay.Students have twenty-five minutes to write an answer to a question.

       The SAT costs forty-one dollars and fifty cents.The international processing charge is twenty-two dollars more.And test-takers in India and Pakistan must also pay a twenty-one dollar and fifty cent security charge.

       Students may also need to take SAT subject tests in areas like history, science and foreign language.Subject tests cost eighteen dollars each.

       The ACT is an achievement test.It is designed to measure what a student has learned in school.Students are tested in mathematics, English, reading and science.A writing test is offered but not required.Without it, the ACT takes about three hours to complete.The essay part adds thirty minutes.The ACT costs forty-nine dollars to take outside the United States.The writing test costs an additional fourteen dollars.

       Recent Chinese news reports suggested that ACT testing would be expanded in China next year.But an ACT spokesman denies those reports.He tells us they were based on a misunderstanding.He says there are no plans to increase the number of testing centers in China.Ten centers there offer the ACT, but students must first take training classes at those centers.The only place in China where the SAT is offered for Chinese students is in HongKong.International students living in China have more choices.

1.If a student from India wants to take the SAT, how much should he pay?

       A.41.5 dollars.         B.63.5 dollars.          C.63 dollars.            D.85 dollars.

2.Which of the following except         must be tested in the ACT test?

       A.mathematics            B.writing                    C.science                   D.reading

3.Which of the following statements is not true about ACT test?

       A.The ACT test centers in China will be expanded next year.

       B.There are ten ACT testing centers in China.

       C.A student can’t take the ACT test without taking training classes in the testing center.

       D.A student should pay 49 dollars to take ACT if he doesn’t take the writing test.

4.Which of the following is not considered as the admissions to the university?

       A.A student’s activities

       B.A student’s high school record.

       C.A student’s interests.

       D.The grades that he gets in the college entrance exams.

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

       A.College Entrance Exams in America.

       B.The Tests in American High School.

       C.American Education.

       D.Two Tests in America.





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