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More research is needed to determine how GI problems may be related to PDD.

Her son, the legacy of a GI who'd loved her and left her was now twenty years old.

The study further determined that NSAIDs with a long half-life or slow-release formulation are associated with a greater risk of GI bleeding or perforation.

To develop a targeted GI research agenda, in 2009, the ATN spearheaded the largest conference to date that specifically addressed the gastrointestinal issues of children and adolescents with ASD.


We helped a generation of veterans go to college through the GI Bill.

After I was discharged from the Navy, Jim and I moved back to Detroit to use our GI bill benefits to get some schooling.

Eat lower on the glycemic index (GI).

However, the group with GI problems had more severe anxiety, irritability and social withdrawal.

Ice cream is low GI, which means it releases its sugar gradually into your blood afer you've eaten it, which means you're not left desperately craving for more.


When discharged from the hospital after a Lower GI Series, you get the GI bill.

The GI rates how quickly glucose is released into the bloodstream after eating, with a ranking from 0 to 100.


However, Horvarth's article did have the positive effect of raising awareness of gastrointestinal (GI) problems in ASD.


High-GI foods can still be healthy and vice versa.

My service in the military assisted me in getting my college degree with the GI benefits.

Increased use of laparoscopic procedures has reduced the risk of postoperative complications related to wound care and altered GI motility. These procedures generally result in shorter hospital stays.

Researchers from Milan say high GI foods are to blame for a rise in heart attack risk in women, rather than just the quantity of carbohydrates.

Tags:GI 造句
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