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“dozen years”簡單造句,dozen years造句子

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In the past dozen years more than 900 young Catholic priests have been trained or consecrated by Chinese Catholicism.

In the past dozen years my technique and equipment have stayed simple: a deep breath, a small camera, and transparency film, for its dense blacks and saturation.

In the early 1960s, we were behind the developed countries in science and technology, but the gap was not so ver, over the past dozen years, the gap has widened because the world has been developing with tremendous speed.

dozen years造句

Over the past dozen years, world farm output has barely kept pace with increased demand.

A dozen years ago ultra-fast broadband connections were rare; today they are ubiquitous.

The downside is that over the last 18 months, we've probably lost more old buildings than in the last dozen years.

A dozen years ago it began to change. Together, we made it change, and now in the past5 years, your policy of opening to the outside world has helped us begin to know each other better than we ever have before.

For a dozen years his service had been honorable and efficient.

In the dozen years since Hugo chavez came to power, Venezuela's government has closed down three television channels and 32 radio stations it didn't like by revoking their licences.

After a dozen years, the crustacean will grow to the size of a tractor tire.

Wallace had read it around 1846, but first saw its import for explaining evolution while he lay recovering from fever in Malaysia a dozen years later.

She looked as she had a dozen years ago, before the disease had begun.

These elections have been widely hailed as a great improvement on the series of violent and rigged polls that have kept the PDP in power for a dozen years.

One municipal court in Ohio stopped accepting new cases because it could not afford to buy paper. New York judges’ pay has been frozen for a dozen years, even as their caseload has increased by 30%.

Over the past dozen years

In the dozen years since the publication of the first edition of this book, software and interactive products have certainly improved.

For over twenty years our Party has carried on mass work every day, and for the past dozen years it has talked about the mass line every day.

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