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“dry areas”簡單造句,dry areas造句子

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chiefly evergreen shrubs of warm dry areas of western North America.

Research on the high-yielding and high-profitable cultivation techniques of Longshu No.1 in hills and dry areas

In the hot season, especially in hot dry areas and the thin layer Xiangyang construction, need water retention of high quality HPMC hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose slurry to improve.

On this continent, though dry areas are very large, some places are humid.

In dry areas, deeper and less frequent watering helps plants to develop deeper, more drought tolerant root structures.

Saguaro cacti stand in the desert as a thunderstorm rolls overhead. Lightning in dry areas increases the risk of brush fires.

Working in small, large or isolated dry areas. Unless separately measured for specific items.

grayish woolly leafy perennial with branched stems ending in leafless stalks bearing golden-yellow flower heads; dry areas western North America.

You can treat the oily and dry areas with the respective formulae or leave the oily untreated and treat only the dry areas with the appropriate formula.

Jiaodong peninsula in Shandong province is dry areas. Underground reservoirs are effective countermeasures for promoting water supply capacity and improve ecological environment.

Apply it thoroughly into all the dry areas and leave for 15-20 minutes.

In dry areas an organic sheet may be helpful and improve survival.

When massaged onto rough and dry areas such as feet and knee, the skin will become much more supple.

dry areas造句

Irrigation is needed to make crops grow in dry areas.

I live in dry areas like deserts.

Tags:造句 dry
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