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“exclamation point”簡單造句,exclamation point造句子

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"For any whole number, the product of all the counting numbers up to and including itself. It is indicated with an exclamation point: 4! (read "four factorial") is 1 * 2 * 3 *4 = 24. "

I traced a huge star and three exclamation points in the margin of my notebook as he moved onto another subject.

If you squint a little, you might even mistake it for the gold key and red circle with an exclamation point that JBuilder USES.

Figure 11 shows an example of the syntax validation error that occurs after you set the statement terminator to an exclamation point (!), and do not update an existing statement terminator.

That’s why so many of these posts end in a question mark, not an exclamation point.

But what is more controversial is the similar use of the exclamation point in marking methods that are "destructive" or "dangerous" in the sense that they modify their receivers.

exclamation point造句

The exclamation point methods modify the string which invokes the method.

Avoid the overuse of exclamation points or emoticons: Your words should be so clear and strong that they don't require extra emphasis.

Though you might not be, it just looked like it on your recent post because of typing in all CAPS and using so many exclamation points!!!!

The only thing is, he died-he died and he doesn't write me postcards with exclamation points anymore; he no longer sends tidings from all parts of the globe: I'm here, I love you.

She tilted her head. When she finished, she jerked her head forward, as if to punctuate her remarks with an exclamation point.

Each sentence ends with a silly exclamation point-he was young, he was cheerful, maybe he'd had a glass of wine.

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