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“ironing board”簡單造句,ironing board造句子

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7、Then let it rest ove rn ight on the ironing board before moving it.

11、The girls from Destiny's Child, we would put our hair on the ironing board, and iron it, which is so crazy!

15、Put desk, TV and other electronics, mirrors, ironing boards, sports equipment, etc. elsewhere.

3、The ironing board folds flat for easy storage.

8、large piece of velour wool is necessary to cover the ironing board surface when pressing synthetic suede.

13、That means if one falls to pieces, those pieces could be used to patch up the other - or, in the case of an ironing board cover, make the other, in the form of a lovely new pair of mitts.

ironing board造句

2、Drying room to be provided with an ironing board.

9、Just one call to the reception and in less than 5 minutes room service delivered ironing board and a steaming iron.

16、Company specializes in manufacturing household products and steel tube products, main products are ironing boards, folding ladders, goods racks and other series.

6、" Mama looked up from her ironing board and asked, "How much does it cost?

1、A small ironing board.

12、THE utility meter’s native habitat is the understairs cupboard, behind the ironing board and the Christmas decorations, covered in dust and playing host to a colony of spiders.

10、This means putting them on hangers in your closet instead of draping them over the side of the ironing board or on the back of the couch.

14、Irons and ironing boards or their equivalent.

5、Do you have an iron and ironing board that I can borrow?

4、Be sure to fold up the ironing board when you're finished with it.

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