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“editorial department”簡單造句,editorial department造句子

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7、You can also find the phone number in the magazine and ask them for the editorial department.

11、 You see, although the marketing department of a publishing house feels that drawing a spaceship on a cover can make a book a science fiction, it is the editorial department that counts.

1、The letters snowed to the editorial department.

5、 The publication of these works naturally thanks the editorial department and publishing house of the magazine mentioned above.

10、In this way, the editorial department prepares copy for the printer and the engraver. News stories and other written material must be copy-read and headlined.

editorial department造句

2、That department and the editorial department are separated by an almost impenetrable iron curtain(Brendan Gill)

8、The advertising department operates much as does the editorial department. It gathers and assembles advertising copy. Advertising is divided into classified and display advertising.

14、The article presents a method of developing a manuscript management system in periodic editorial departments and discusses some technical problems.

9、He has been an editor in an editorial department for nearly 20 years, gave tutorials to the basic masses and wrote literature works.

4、the editorial department of a newspaper that edits the sports news.

3、the editorial department of a newspaper that edits the local news.

6、The MIS realizes the workflow module of going over manuscripts by strictly referring to manual work flow of editorial department of journal and meets the requirements of the editorial department.

13、People say that Lo Lung-chi -- Pu Hsi-hsiu -- the Wen Hui Pao editorial department represents the chain of command of the Rightists in the Democratic League directing Wen Hui Pao.

12、Since June 14, when our editorial department published "The Bourgeois Orientation of Wen Hui Pao over a Period of Time", both Wen Hui Pao and the Kuangming Daily have undertaken some self-criticism on this question.

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