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“artistic expression”簡單造句,artistic expression造句子

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The ultimate goal is not the technical achievement, but the artistic expression, freed from any constraints.

Truth In Unreal Image --Means of artistic expression of cinema in the legend of ZHANG Ai-ling;

The artistic expression of the novel has reached an amazing level. It is not only the story that touches people's hearts, but also its extraordinary artistic charm that makes the book very popular.

Aesthetic sense itself is a kind of artistic expression, a kind of high and wonderful realm, and a kind of beautiful feeling.

A competition, as in figure skating, skiing, or surfing, in which any maneuver or movement is allowed and competitors are judged on their artistic expression, acrobatic skill, and athletic expertise.

artistic expression造句

Their task is to give artistic expression to these struggles.

These technique have heroes' psychological states exposed and thus create an artistic milieu with strong artistic expression.

the very essence of artistic expression is invention- Irving R. Kaufman; the very back of the room.

Feng Shen" or airs as used to describe a persons elegant demeanour and mien, is the artistic expression of the inherent characteristics of literary works."

Requirements for dancing movements and artistic expression in new rules make gymnastics develop towards a goal of innovation and high difficulty, as well as expressing of art and beauty.

The line in Chinese painting is a kind of artistic expression with eastern artistic speciality.

Your creativity and talent for artistic expression should be outstanding now!

The layer of wool, cotton, or other stuffing provides insulation; the stitching keeps the stuffing evenly distributed and also provides opportunity for artistic expression.

Painting is a form of artistic expression, but only out of Chinese oil dependence on Western culture, traditional Chinese culture, Chinese oil Painting nutrition to form the national style.

One versed in the theory of beauty and artistic expression.

"We rigorously uphold editorial independence and artistic expression earning the trust of our readers, viewers, listeners, members and subscribers."

Basic training and artistic expressions in the teaching of sketches;

The artistic expression the bamboo hammers play in the music of dulcimer;

This paper from the late Qing women's liberation cause of the emerging novel, novel research model always inherited, according to the text of the content of such novel forms of artistic expression.

Yet Samyn and Harvey insist that video games increasingly are developing into a true medium of artistic expression.

deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression.

Restraint in artistic expression.

Making Life full of creativity-on writer s loneliness and its artistic expression;

He dares to explore innovate, pays attention to artistic expression and innovation of the novel. Thus, his novels have a distinct aesthetic characteristic of art.

Historic events used in historic paintings are usually major events widely known by society. Meanwhile, painters generally stress idealism and typification in their artistic expression.

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