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“count on”簡單造句,count on造句子

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After normalization of attributes, you can count on every token in an attribute being separated from its neighbors by whitespace.

people count on hospitals and health facilities to respond, swiftly and efficiently, as the lifeline for survival and the backbone of support.

Not a lot of research has been done, but here is what we know: Hot water and chemicals (like chlorine) most likely affect a condom's durability, so don't count on the protection.

If you're especially lucky, the text will decode the first time, but don't count on it.

Indeed, with no other form of transportation on Iona, I count on my sturdy legs and a bit of discipline to get me from one place to another.

There are plot twists in the form of an eraser bent on destruction, but this being a kids' book, you can count on once upon a time ending with happily ever after.

count on造句

But nobody can count on impunity.

But he was in a hurry to clinch the deal, and he couldn't count on having the luck to run into another customer for his camels.

When decisions are made about layoffs, decisions are made about which subjects are necessary -- the tested ones -- and which are expendable -- those that don't count on the federal scorecards.

Of course, growing could be further accelerated with 24-hour lighting, but do not count on that for now.

Or she would count on her fingers.

He may not be your heaviest hitter, but in times of great need, you know you can count on the experienced old man to deliver.

America and Europe cannot count on exports to make up for faltering domestic demand, because the crisis has spread to emerging markets.

So count on what is detailed here to be correct in concept, if not exactly in detail, by the time JAXP 1.1 goes final in both its specification and reference implementation.

They know they can count on you. Thanks to these good habits, I earned a reputation for efficiency. People who work with me and who hire me know they can count on me.

You can count on the cage to protect you from unreasonable or illegal behavior.

Tags:造句 count
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