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7、Fathers worried that they were abrogating their responsibilities as breadwinner.

11、The breadwinner had been taken away from them; what would they do?

15、The Shriver Report’s most stunning finding is that women now make up half of the American workforce, and are the primary breadwinner or co-breadwinner in 2/3 of American families.

19、Imagine a family that is short on food and the basic necessities, and the breadwinner is compelled to turn to loan sharks for money.

23、"Hundreds of reporters from the newspapers, radio and television besieged the narrow road outside the Wests' home, all wanted a glimpse of the family whose breadwinner had made British medical history. "


2、He was the breadwinner of his family.

6、Dad is the sole breadwinner in my family.

12、I was about to become the breadwinner for my family and I was 18 years old.

17、And in many countries, second earners (usually women) face higher average tax rates than the main breadwinner.

22、The traditional Japanese family of breadwinner and housewife which the government has long tried to preserve is an anachronism: in 55% of married households both spouses work.

3、Are you the breadwinner of your family?

9、Families with modest incomes should insure the breadwinner or breadwinners first.

16、As the family increases in size, it is essential to add more insurance on the breadwinner to protect the dependents.

24、Men n's Health found that another big change was how men see other men earning less than their wives - nowadays there is less peer pressure than before to be the breadwinner.

5、He is the only breadwinner of the five-people family.

14、With more women taking on the role of breadwinner, could the thought of additional relationships hint at a financial burden?

25、Having "not enough money" to spend is but a small matter. What is more troubling is having no money to meet daily expenses. Imagine a family that is short on food and the basic necessities, and the breadwinner is compelled to turn to loan sharks for money.

10、At the age of 14 Sohel from Bangladesh was the main breadwinner in his family.

21、Not only is he the breadwinner of the family, he also takes care of the children's food and clothes and helps them with their homework.

13、Three quarters of those questioned said they saw themselves more as a breadwinner than they did as a father.

4、Most likely, you aren't the family breadwinner.

1、I am the sole breadwinner.

8、I am the sole breadwinner in the family.

20、Children in both double income and "male breadwinner" households spent comparable mounts of time interacting with their parents, 19 hours and 22 hours respectively.

18、Men are expected to be the main breadwinner whilst women are being relied upon for domestic chores, according to research conducted by Yorkshire Building Society.

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