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I walked 600 meters uphill on an ammunition drop to the observation post that overlooks the military outpost there.

It is this exclusivity that gives ammunition to those who decry the sport, believing it to be no more than rich people killing rare birds for fun.

Years of experience and data analysis on various areas of web design most often provide the web designer with the knowledge and ample ammunition to make the right call in these situations.

The branch of an armed force that procures, maintains, and issues weapons, ammunition, and combat vehicles.

Fort Stewart has long used controlled burning in its busiest training areas to prevent live ammunition from causing unplanned fires. Local species gravitated toward those scorched open areas.

This gave Mr Gates the ammunition he needed to push for changes, in some cases over the objections of the military services, each of which has its own parochial interests.

Talking up of the problem then gives easy ammunition to those who wish to discredit the science.

Compared with other countries it is only middlingly good (see chart) and the RBI may be nervous of using too much ammunition.

Design group Impact Accessories provides new peaceful life to the old military ammunition.

A rebel stands atop a ZSU-23 mobile anti-aircraft vehicle that was captured at an ammunition supply warehouse at a military base that was home to the Khamis Brigade, in al-Maya, Libya, Aug. 21, 2011.

Cuts to ammunition and training hurt morale, as did the disbanding of an airborne regiment, after one of its members killed a Somali civilian in 1993.

For ammunition to break through, artillery shells need to be hardened by adding certain minerals to the steel.

The displays could also show the locations of friendly forces and levels of ammunition and other supplies, as in a video game.


General Hooker did not want to get trapped without food and ammunition.

Food is ammunition, don't waste it.

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