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By replacing plants with impervious surfaces, cities trap heat, and create a phenomenon known as the urban heat island.

Indeed, in a globalized world, viruses are impervious to lines drawn on maps. That fact ought to make us ill at ease.

With his strict demeanour and his impeccable manner of dress he was for a long time considered impervious to any kind of attack, even though he haad made quite a number of enemies.

How do they train themselves to be so impervious to reality?

However, you can make your systems and data impervious enough that hackers won't even bother trying to break in.

And while exact Numbers will undoubtedly turn out to be different, the underlying trends are relatively impervious to all but the most severe or disruptive shocks.


It dispels the notion that the plants are impervious.

That means it USES less power than other watches, and the display is impervious to glare. It's also easy on the eyes.

It is, though, surprisingly inert. A lump of graphite or a diamond will sit happily on a laboratory bench without bursting into flames, or even rusting, and is impervious to the action of water.

This impervious layer or boundary will retard the free diffusion of moisture. This condition is referred to as case hardening.

This material is impervious to rainwater.

For obvious reasons, wired devices are near-impervious to this sort of issue; there's nothing stopping the button's electrical signal from reaching your PC along the way.

One reason for the expense of wave power is the need to make the equipment impervious to storm damage and corrosion.

The recent angry exchanges were prompted by a decades-old border dispute over which the two countries went to war in 1962, and which has proved impervious to 13 rounds of negotiations since.

By wonderful good fortune, Sr31 also boosted yields (and not only because plants were impervious to rust).

Wear approved respirator, protective clothing, safety goggles and chemically impervious gloves.

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