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This is because consumers value "hedonic" items over utilitarian ones, regardless of the actual price tag.

The result should always be the same, regardless of which vendor's implementation you choose.

American lives -regardless of Numbers -must be placed in terms of value and worth on equal footing with those of all humans regardless of colour, ethnicity, nationality, or creed.

This means that you can configure session clustering once and it will work the same way regardless of your deployment environment - Tomcat, Jetty, JEE Server or standalone application.

people in the ideal hip-ratio range, regardless of weight, are less susceptible to disease such as cardiovascular disorders, cancer, and diabetes, studies have shown.

When food is scarce and animals exert energy to retrieve food, increasing the desirability of less tasty food would help animals eat what they had caught, regardless of its inherent tastiness.


He crushed the bloom with regardless tread.

All our proposals were rejected, regardless of their merits.

If you use this setting, it applies to all partial matches, regardless of the average stack length.

Setting up for the migration, regardless of whether it's active or inactive, requires careful deployment planning beforehand.

He looked like only the frightened rabbit to escape, again is not willing to see her, how regardless of she does entreat.

Decoupling was the catch-all term for the notion that the biggest emerging markets, led by China, could generate their own secular growth regardless of events in the developed world.

It shows real people, regardless of who can recognize them.

The results showed a link between power and infidelity, regardless of gender.

Any pointer arithmetic should be performed using variables of type long regardless if in 32-bit or 64-bit mode.

Or, perhaps, thinking it was the wrong day of the week just meant I needed to sleep more-according to my body-regardless of how excited my mind and spirit are, and how the two always want to be awake.

They will fall regardless of the charge.

Which ones are on the endangered list, which should be, and which continue to survive regardless of new digital evolutions?

There are some distinct advantages to taking this approach, namely that a single set of design principles can guide you regardless of the usage.

I protested, but she carried on regardless.

With two diodes in parallel back to back, the circuit will provide protection regardless of the signal polarity.

Every winter, regardless of the cities or the countryside, selling ice-sugar gourd can always see the businessman, or cart or shoulder, the red hawthorn in sugar film under the parcel tempting.

It became a challenge, a game, regardless of whether he was married or with someone.

The whole idea of the German Blitzkrieg tactic was to concentrate massive armored forces, and massive close air support, to create an unstoppable rapidly moving "armor fist" that could smash through anything and cause havoc and chaos in the enemy's side, regardless of the enemy's total force.

In a minority of cases, moral absolutism is taken to the more constrained position that actions are moral or immoral regardless of the circumstances in which they occur.

There is one issue that stands out above all the rest, one in which every American is concerned, regardless of what group he may be a member and regardless of where he may live.

A return to the golden era is certainly not the answer: it is now clear that Mr Koizumi danced atop an edifice, dominated for half a century by the LDP, that was about to crumble regardless.

Fully embrace and experience this moment, regardless of what this moment holds.

Or Mr Kim now determined to strut his stuff regardless?

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