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“above all else”簡單造句,above all else造句子

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We screen for culture above all else, so this is important.

The bad practice of putting money above all else has been spreading in literary and art circles.

It can be seen that ancestor worship is the first priority in all matters of daily life, above all else Sacrificial Temple and other daily-use items.

It was the roaring economic growth of the EEC, above all else, that made it such a success in its early days.

perhaps our universities have yielded to the pressure of parents who pay high tuition and expect students, above all else, to be prepared for the jobs they will try to secure after graduation.

The bad practice of putting money above all else has been spreading in literary and art circles. Some members of theatre troupes from the grass roots to the central level run around giving cheap performances and even staging low, vulgar shows just to make money.

Holding family above all else ability to love and cherish all they hold dear.

He said that above all else the magazine's marketing tries to stir intellectual curiosity.

Look at what the protesters want above all else: the preservation of strict production ceilings on milk.

Their subjects may have been drab or driven by greed, but they were above all else human beings with will, spirit, and purpose.

Hobbs: Alright, listen up. The men were after are professional runners. We find them; we take them as a team and we bring them back. And above all else, we never ever let them get into cars.

Keycase, above all else, had an orderly mind.

Cause above all else, the responsibility is more important than all, strict and into everything, all the progressive achievements!

And by providing that incentive, the board is explicitly telling the executives what matters above all else — and that is the stock price.

Even the burgeoning Web 2.0 propagates the value of popularity above all else (topics or items with the most hits rise to the top, the less popular topics disappear).

And above all else, we don't ever, ever let them get in the cars.

He drives and works hard always trying to impress his superiors-great AUTOBOTS he idolizes above all else.

However, the New Jedi Order considered them as Gray Jedi, as they swore loyalty to the will of the Emperor above all else, including their devotion to the will of the Force.

Cities need wise government above all else, and they get it too rarely.

Holding Knowledge and Brain Power above all else in importance, the INTP will choose to be around people who they consider to be intelligent.

above all else造句

You need reliability above all else.

Others argued that since we were still at the socialist stage it was only natural and correct for people to "put money above all else".

The Chinese put stability above all else, which gives Pyongyang an excuse to maintain the repressive status quo.

And they'd promised, above all else, that they would always trust one another.

All of these traits extended from his amazing generosity of spirit, which I attribute to his love of truth above all else.

Relief above all else!

The great English writer E.M. Forster may have valued connection above all else, but for us 21st-century folks, disconnection is as necessary as connection for creating a healthy, happy life.

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