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“an aquarium”簡單造句,an aquarium造句子

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I think that you should get an aquarium with goldfish.

The last living fish will swim out the rest of its days in an aquarium.

They need to be kept in an aquarium that is pretty tall because they need height for molting.

This has been illustrated with the lawn green carpets running throughout the stairwell, hanging plants, an aquarium and naturally lit rooms.

There was enough elbow room in this gargantuan aquarium for all kinds of surprises to emerge.

Some people said go to an aquarium.

I can't swim a stroke in an aquarium.

Visiting an aquarium is a good way for children to learn about sea creatures. They might even want to start an aquarium at home and join the millions of people around the world who keep fish as pets.

The extremely rare coloring means this crustacean isn't headed for the dinner table, but in an aquarium for all to see.

Paul the octopus, who shot to fame during this year's soccer World Cup for his flawless record in predicting game results, has died peacefully in his sleep, his German aquarium said Tuesday.

TURNING an aquarium into fish soup is simple.

This means that STOP ammo reduces the toxic effects of ammonia in an aquarium.

A freshwater fish(Carassius auratus)native to eastern Asia, characteristically having brassy or reddish coloring and bred in many ornamental forms as an aquarium fish.

an aquarium造句

Have you been to an aquarium?

I've never shot in through an aquarium, but I can imagine it's full of potential problems.

He bought an aquarium, installed the wipers in it, filled the tank with a mixture of oil and sawdust to simulate a load on the wiper.

Paul died at an aquarium in Germany last month.

Paul the octopus, who shot to fame during this year's football for his flawless record in predicting game results, died peacefully in his sleep in an aquarium.

To raise awareness of environmental protection, students suggested building an aquarium in Tulu Port, Tai Po.

Yes, I've been to an aquarium.

He bought an aquarium, installed the wipers in it, filled the tank with a mixture of oil and sawdust to simulate a load on the wiper, and set it over on Phyllis's side of the basement.

Turning the fish soup back into an aquarium is not.

In an aquarium, clownfish from the control group instinctively fled from the scents of their natural predators.

Elsewhere 3 couples spent their day in the water of an aquarium in Fuzhou, exchanging flowers before turtles and fishes.

Tags:aquarium 造句
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