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“debit side”簡單造句,debit side造句子

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debit side造句

The net balance on merchandise transactions called the trade balance. Exports are entered in the credit side while the imports the debit side.

Receipts of services are entered in the credit side while payments the debit side.

In a "T"account, there are only three elements: (1) the name of the account; (2) a left side, which is called the debit side; and (3) a right side, which is called the credit side. T

"As every transaction relating to international payments involves records both on the debit side and credit side with the same amount, the total amounts of the debit items in the statement should, on principle, equal that of the credit items, thus bringing the statement into equilibrium."

Enter the transaction in the journal based on the double-entry accounting, including a brief explanation for the journal entry. The debit side of the entry is entered first and the credit side next.

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