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7、If the rune recharges as a Death rune and you spend one or both, so long as both are on cooldown again at the same time, the buff will be refreshed.

11、Any part of the design could be a magic rune, ready to unleash its power upon the careless or unwary.

15、Heroes that can't gank good before level 6, and for example got a rune on LVL 4 shouldn't be wasting their time, and should be focusing on mid lane enemy and farming instead.


2、Modifying your rune weapon requires a Rune Forge in Ebon Hold. 5 sec cast.

6、That's what we are basically doing with the rune system.

12、This cooldown is reduced to 2 seconds if the move the rune is used for misses, or is dodged or parried.

17、Usually this will take care of itself without undue attention, but if you're concerned about maximizing uptime the best solution is to simply stagger your Blood rune uses so they aren't back to back.

5、There will be no rune magic.

13、We made the obvious choice which is making sure there are a ton of awesome skills and rune effects to choose from.

3、Qian Feng, who is thinking hard, suddenly sees the attribute rune: "Why not try to depict the fire attribute rune?"

10、You said your heart is cold, smearing your tears into a mysterious rune.

4、If there was a triple EXP rune or some absurdly powerful rune, and the game morphed into the most important thing being camping for that rune, players would scream to nerf the rune, not all the heroes's abilities to scout and acquire the rune.

16、Some players really enjoy the rune and runic power mechanic, and I think it's fair to say that the class requires a good amount of skill to play really well.

14、I know, you see that regen rune and you're missing 100 health and 12 mana, but that guy with the bottle can make WAY better use.

1、Affixes your rune weapon with a rune that has a chance to strike undead for extra Fire damage and stun them for 5 sec. Modifying your rune weapon requires a Rune Forge in Ebon Hold.

9、Added base item type to highlight info for rune word items.

8、and to the rune of tinned music is not a reason for doing so.

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