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7、The old flags and anthems were banned under Tito, but out of sight did not mean out of mind.

11、For now, honking fans are instead being praised by organizers has respecting rules about keeping quiet during announcements and anthems, and blasting away during play when that's allowed.

15、"George Steinbrenner with a voice" was the epithet coined by a colleague of mine - born in the baby boom's dead center, it should be noted - who objects to the bad-hair Republican bluster of Sinatra's later years, his belting out of all those anthems of middle-aged self-assertion.

4、Springsteen is the ultimate blue-collar rocker, whose songs have become anthems of ordinary American life.

9、The1) wagons have done passing and I have come out in the new grass to listen to the2) anthems.

14、Over the course of five summers, he and I racked up these stats: we played 70 anthems (63 U.S. and 7 Canadian) at 59 baseball parks (some were repeat performances).

5、They usually play the national anthems of the teams at the beginning of a big match.

12、Within the hour, hundreds of revelers were waving flags and singing patriotic anthems, exuding a mix of joy, pride and relief.

3、A few early bells sounded from below and the birds sang their morning anthems.

13、Clayderman-esque anthems are ubiquitous in the luxury hotels of India and China, but at the Conrad the muzak follows you everywhere from speakers hidden in the shrubbery.

8、The Canadian and Chinese national anthems were played at the award-giving dinner of our table tennis match.

6、So I can only imagine how hypnotizing those songs and anthems can be live at the Scala del Calcio.

10、Such measures will not provide the lyrics to revolutionary anthems, but they are going to be better than going after the wealthy.


2、The military band played the national anthems of both sides.

1、And the marching bands, majorettes, anthems and drums!

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