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7、Some towns found that lynching was the only way to drive away bands of outlaws.

11、It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can stop him from lynching me, and I think that's pretty important.

15、Another worker from Baida circulated a mobile phone recording of the lynching of an African he said had been a mercenary who confessed to receiving $12,000 for each Libyan he shot.

1、There's a law against lynching.

5、Former culture minister Jack Lang called it a "lynching (5)."

10、The lynching photographs were souvenirs of a collective action whose participants felt perfectly justified in what they had done.

16、Once again, as in "At the Hands of Persons Unknown", his account of the lynching of blacks by whites in the American South, Mr Dray is angered by injustice.

3、I don't take much stock in this lynching idea.

9、Reputedly the only anti-Semitic lynching in American history, Frank's death shocked the country and traumatised its Jews.

17、In her suicide note to her mother she wrote that she could not “live the next six-to-eight years behind bars for what you and I have both come to regard as this 'modern-day lynching'.”

6、The judicial near lynching of DSK humiliated France.

14、William Faulkner's short story Dry September describes a southern white ultra, McLendon, lynching a black who is framed by Minnie Cooper.

8、All the "lynching" and illegal detention of which are generated, and often able to obtain the support of many people.


2、she collaborated with Eleanor Roosevelt in passing anti-lynching legislation;

18、The city of Mumbai sees human tragedies unfold every day, death of a gun-wielding Bihari youth on one day and lynching of a north Indian labourer in train on the other.

4、I do not take much stock in this lynching idea

13、As the state-run news agency, Xinhua, put it, “You may find yourself up before a kangaroo court of angry netizens and receive a virtual lynching.”

12、Secondly, the paper discusses the embedded theatricality of both the national institution of trial by jury and the regional institution of lynching in the US.

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