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Real Madrid sold staggering quantities of team jerseys in Britain on the weekend of his signing in 2003.

That change in chemistry has led to staggering alterations in the lake's ecology, causing precipitous drops in the Aral Sea’s fish population.

'Also you're directed through their marketplace area where a staggering amount of purchases are impulse buys, things like lightbulbs or a cheap casserole that you weren't planning on getting.


The Asian countries are getting westernized at a staggering rate.

In a long career spent almost entirely at MIT, he became known for work of staggering theoretical sophistication.

The resulting photographs — staggering in their beauty, startling in their originality — have brought much-needed attention to endangered species and ecological crises throughout the world.

A sudden blow: the great wings beating still Above the staggering girl, her thighs caressed By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill, He holds her helpless breast upon his breast.

The amount of talent that walked through the room was staggering for me.

This makes eminent sense, in as much as trading now supplies most of Goldman's profits, while simultaneously subjecting the bank to staggering risks.

She rented a storefront in downtown Melbourne, and peddled her concoction at a staggering markup.

Consumers and lenders whose unwitting or reckless credit and borrowing decisions placed families under staggering debts and contributed to the instability of the financial system.

She says reports of the level of destruction in some of these areas are staggering.

Secondly, those cities that put in place "social distancing" measures, such as isolating patients and their contacts or staggering working hours to thin out rush hour, kept the number of deaths down.

The saffron swan of dawn, slow swimming up the sky-river between the high roof-banks, bent her neck down through the dark air-water to look at him staggering below her, with his still smoking wick.

The amounts involved are staggering, Rogers said.

Such a crushing defeat and disastrous loss of popular support must be a staggering blow to the KMT, a party with a history of a century!

My "opportunity cost" (I think now is a good time to start showing off some b-school lingo) was staggering.

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