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Moreover, this is a very old state tradition, a very old tradition of statecraft.

And I've decided that "21st-century statecraft" is just a grab-bag; it means all of those things.

They provide a virtual education in statecraft in how to negotiate affairs in precisely the way Aristotle would have us do.

Aristotle's political science then is ultimately the supreme science of statecraft a term that again we don't hear much about — statecraft or statesmanship.

The thought of statecraft ideology still has an important value for the construction of contemporary humanistic spirit and moral system.

In their view the minimum aim of Chinese statecraft had to be that no other major country would combine with the Soviets.

But admirable underlying principles of statecraft can be found in nearly all classic texts.

To be more specific about why literary insight is essential for statecraft, both endeavors are concerned with important questions that are only partly accessible to rational thought.

I AM suspicious of the phrase "21st-century statecraft".

In its oldest sense political science simply was a science of statecraft. It was addressed to statesman or potential statesmen charged with steering the ship of state.

To seize the opportunity of a changing global landscape: this is our challenge of economic statecraft.

They placed free access to scientific knowledge far above the exigencies of statecraft(Anthony Burgess)

So negotiating a deal between them will not be easy, and may require more statecraft than President Medvedev can muster.


In history lies all the secrets of statecraft.

Emphasizing statecraft is a tradition of Confucianism.

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