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They know their foes can quickly awaken the sleepers, but they also know that doing so takes time and can delay an effective counterattack.


They are sound sleepers, I assure you.

My father and two sisters are such heavy sleepers that if you poke them in the ribs they don't wake up.

He trod quietly so as not to disturb the sleepers.

MANY of his fellow senators were born rich and politically connected, but not Harry Reid. His first home was a shack made of wooden railway sleepers, soaked in creosote to keep the termites out.

Winston Churchill and Thomas Edison came close but they were also fond of taking naps, which may disqualify them as true short sleepers.

Many sleepers were fixed on a railway.

They hope that one day they will be able to manipulate this ability in order to give lighter sleepers a better night's rest.

Sound sleepers, they found, have specific patterns of activity in the brain that block out distracting signals during their slumber.

Tags:造句 sleepers
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