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Rather, just as the physiologist accepts the human body as it is, so do I accept people as they are.

According to Gerald Shulman, a cellular and molecular physiologist at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn., exercising may prevent and even reverse type 2 diabetes.

"Eels aren't very fast, but they can swim forever," says Guido van den Thillart, an animal physiologist at Leiden University in the Netherlands who is measuring the speed of this captive fish.

Best: american-born canadian physiologist noted for his work on the discovery and application of insulin.

A hummingbird's chest muscles account for 20 percent of its mass, according to Bret Tobalske, a University of Montana physiologist.

As I say, it's the sort of thing that somebody from the medical school or a biologist or a physiologist or something could describe for us.


Canadian physiologist. He shared a1923 Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.

Not at all, says physiologist Johan Andersson at Lund University in Sweden, who studies the effects of breath-holding in divers.

The old physiologist, Burdach, to whom we are indebted for a careful and discriminating description of the phenomena of dreams, expressed this conviction in a frequently quoted passage (p.

American-born Canadian physiologist noted for his work on the discovery and application of insulin.

The physiologist recently studied indicated that evening exercises beneficially.

Russian physiologist who is best known for discovering the conditioned response. He won a1904 Nobel Prize for research on the nature of digestion.

No matter in what high esteem you are held. always have the courage to say to yourself:'I am always ignorant. " —Ivan Pavlov, Russian physiologist".

If I could really do it right, I'd now open the door and bring in our guest physiologist, who would then provide the facts that I'm — what I'm about to go is "blah, blah, blah."

Russian physiologist who observed conditioned salivary responses in dogs (1849-1936).

She found him at a laboratory in Shrewsbury , Massachusetts . He and brilliant reproductive physiologist, Gregory Pincus.

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