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Caption: Drawing of the total solar eclipse seen on 12 December 1871, showing details of the sun's corona and its solar prominences (black protrusions).

Bony prominences are padded with cotton sheeting.

Although very hot, prominences typically appear dark when viewed against the Sun, since they are slightly cooler than the surface.

Excessive focal pressure developed during the midstance and heel-rise parts of the gait cycle may cause skin loss or hypertrophy of the stratum corneum (callus) over bony prominences.

What's more, a decrease in sunspots doesn't necessarilymean a drop in other solar features such as prominences, which can produce aurora-triggering coronal mass ejections.

Explanation: Dramatic prominences can sometimes be seen looming just beyond the edge of the sun.


Just over the Sun's edges, several scintillating prominences protrude, while prominences on the Sun's face are seen as light streaks.

Dramatic prominences can sometimes be seen looming just beyond the edge of the sun.

Here and there, great fountains of gas, called prominences, shoot high above the surface. The temperature of most of the surface is about 5,500 degrees Celsius.

Bursae are saclike cavities or potential cavities that contain synovial fluid located at tissue sites where friction occurs (eg, where tendons or muscles pass over bony prominences).

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