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If so, Dr Muller has a prototype device which looks like a headband and measures a person's state of relaxation.

However, the limited relaxation fell short of the wholesale opening of India's retail sector that has been privately demanded by the world's most powerful retail groups.

So you want to quit smoking but you smoked to relax yourself? What other forms of relaxation are available to you?

It seems that when men climax, a cocktail of drugs is released in the brain, including oxytocin, which is linked to a pleasurable sense of relaxation, and prolactin, which is linked to sleep.

Those of us without a TV have other forms of passive relaxation that isn't relaxing.

There was only one thing on the island that might interrupt the seance of serenity and relaxation.

Professional Fitness Instructor will according your fitness goals to make a personalize program, Special essential oil skin care &hair dressing service will help you to relaxation your body.

But that's passive relaxation and due to the constant barrage of stimuli it's not relaxation at all.

The 23-year-old prince will now have a month of rest and relaxation before resuming his army life.

The most significant functional differences related to the relaxation of the heart muscle between beats - which increased in the endurance athletes but decreased in strength athletes.


Take the edge off stress by practicing relaxation techniques. These include deep-breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, yoga, visualization, hypnosis and massage.

Many of these can not only help you fall asleep and stay asleep, but they may also promote muscle relaxation.

In a sign of a gradual relaxation of social restrictions, some Iranian women wear long trousers and knee-length tight robes, and allow part of their hair to spill out from under colorful scarves.

Then the child was given some relaxation techniques and instructed to focus on feelings that occurred right before the tic happened, and visualize getting rid of the tic.

Helpful for get rid of color around eyes and acne, keep skin white and wet, relaxation.

But the relaxation of the policy should extend far beyond the recent disaster.

He wants dental appointments to be less about pain and drilling and more about relaxation, foot massage and soothing aromatherapy.

This means that the feasible region consists of discrete points in space and, therefore, a relaxation in one of the constraints may or may not yield a better solution inside the new polyhedron.

"Tongli is a several hundred years old small town , which is well-known for its typical Southern Chinese river-side scenery featured by small bridges, murmuring streams and elegant dwellings, and is an ideal destination for relaxation and holiday-spending

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