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It could be hydrogen bonding. Could be different.

He could decipher military signals.

Nothing could damp down my passion.

If they could be turned into usable crops, they could outstrip even Hevea.

The humidity could change in the room and that could change the friction coefficient.

Hesperidin could be responsible for the observed effects.

Doing so could attract new providers but rile Lib Dems.

That way, the chaff could be used to produce biofuel for transport and the wheat could be used for people.

YouTube could record those moments of salience, could use them to build a model, a data shadow, which could reinforce your own ability to make decisions about who should see what.

Poor farming and environmental degradation could lead to hunger, poverty and strife. Instability, corruption and family breakdown could break the cycle of industrialisation and growing productivity.


It could be anyone.

People could pass through freely but any vehicle could not.

I could do that blindfolded.

Or it could be another almighty flop.

"Spiders, " Tyler says, "could lay their eggs and larva could tunnel, under your skin.

It didn't mean that it could be persuaded simply.

If Henry Kissinger could practice“ Ping-Pong diplomacy,” perhaps Condoleezza Rice could try her hand at“ dumpling diplomacy”?

Now if only they could develop a "plug and play" installation so individuals could do it themselves, these could easily be on the shelves of Walmart or Ikea and selling like hotcakes.

You said that there could be repercussions, and hope the UN could take this into consideration. What kind of repercussions are you concerned about?

But this could backfire.

How could I miss it?

I suppose we could have loved her.

Maybe someday it could be used to print out rockets that could carry passengers to printed space stations, where they could feast on printed retro space snacks.

This object reference could be passed to it or it could be retrieved from a naming service.

Mr Mishkin also acknowledged that housing booms and busts could contribute to financial instability, which could "magnify problems for the overall economy."

This could be magnesium.

No legirons could restrain him.

What could the flare send forth that could have such an effect?

But soon she could see that Prince Charles was serious.

So in one case, we could actually put carbon in the middle, in one place, we could put sulfur in the middle, and in one case we could put nitrogen.

What could you improve?

He could, of course, phone her.

They could use postgraduate teachers, you could pack more students into larger lecture theatres, or you could have a lecture given by faculty members supplemented by doctoral students.

For instance, somebody could be very actively involved, or they could be actually a crime victim who was physically assaulted and injured.

We could drive all the way. Alternatively, we could fly.

They could be lightweight, could be molded into any shape, have the potential to store more energy than conventional batteries and could be safer and cheaper to produce.

Obviously, you cannot stop feeding someone entirely when they are ill, but there might be nutrients which the patient could do without but the pathogen could not.

One could not logicize about such happening.

Q: You said that there could be repercussions, and hope the UN could take this into consideration.

They could not see one another, but they could reach each other through a hole.

Trouble could flare anew.

In the old, arrogant, one-way world, we told you whom you could trust—us!

He could hardly refrain himself.

Yup, if reggae could make it onto the airwaves in North Dakota, it could make it anywhere!

I bet him he could not outrun me.

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