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And the newfound world is among the few known that might be hospitable to life.

However, happiness can also be a harmonious and peaceful family, or a hospitable and considerate friend, or just a smile, a gesture, a hint.

One answer is the anthropic principle: the universe we see has to be hospitable, or we would not be here to observe it.

He said that he was greatly impressed with the splendid history and culture, the warm and hospitable people and the great economic achievements in Mexico, and the memory is still fresh.

It does not take much to be a hospitable host.

He passed for an Englishman, was agreeable, handsome, ill-tempered, hospitable and witty.

I would like to take this opportunity to convey the cordial greetings and best wishes of the Chinese people to the hospitable and friendly Malaysian people.

Good families are hospitable.

The incapable man in cap went into the hospitable capital hospital.

Britons think France is the least hospitable country in which to go on holiday, according to a new online survey of 1, 412 Britons.


"They are very hospitable people."

Scientists said a warmer New England would be less hospitable to maple sugar farms, apple orchards and cranberry bogs.

"Since then we've found that microbes are a lot more rugged than we originally thought," he added. "in addition, Mars might be more hospitable to life than we originally thought."

Tibetans are hospitable to ask the tourists to visit their homes, to understand and participate in Tibetan daily life, and to experience the new and interesting life styles.

I've enjoyed my time in Croatia. The people here are so open-hearted and hospitable.

Most Americans consider themselves hospitable people.

He took a taxi to his hotel, where he was greeted by his hospitable Indian host.

Business visitors to the capital found it chic, feudal and hospitable, like an Arab emirate; in Mr Bongo's time, Gabon's consumption of champagne was said to be the highest in the world.

Everybody sits around table while eating Chinese food, everybody is eating the dish in the same plate, the hospitable host will also nip the dish into your bowl, it is so friendly.

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