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On the brink, on the brim, on the cusp - praise song for walking forward in that light.

The erosion of attention is the key to understanding why we are on the cusp of a time of widespread cultural and social losses.

My friend David was also on the cusp of being in a serious relationship, but he prided himself in staying detached enough so he would not be forced to label it.

Dental cusp gang Tastes softly crisply Leisure good food wang Zhongwang.

It may be on the cusp of a very different kind of crisis, but that's another story.

And I am a former baby and a future skeleton, and I am a distant future pile of dust. I am also a Gemini, who is on the cusp.


A cusp is also called a stationary point or point of retrogression gression.

Archaeologists believe they are on the cusp of shedding new light on the life of William Shakespeare -by digging up what may have been the playwright's cesspit.

But women now look better for longer, so we can show off our thighs into the cusp of middle age if our knees have stood the test of time.

Today, the robotics industry is on the cusp of moving beyond fixed, industrial applications like welding and painting car bodies.

We are on the cusp of a major revolution.

Advertising is on the cusp of its first creative revolution since the 1960s. But the AD industry might get left behind.

It was a very different country then, but what was absolutely clear to me was that China was on the cusp of a remarkable transformation.

Are you who you are because you're a second-born child, raised in poverty, orphaned, from a broken family, a Leo on the cusp of Scorpio or perhaps re-incarnated from a cat?

But we now stand on the cusp of an even larger congressional blunder: cap-and-trade.

Out on the cusp of human knowledge, particle physics can seem very esoteric indeed.

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