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The inaugural speech was itself a break with tradition in that it was held outdoors, with Mr. Spitzer clad in a suit but no overcoat for the hourlong ceremony.

The inaugural Rugby World Cup was jointly hosted by Australia and New Zealand in 1987.

On the same day, at the inaugural ceremony of Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf in Monrovia, Li held cordial talks with Nigerian President Obasanjo.

The 1942 Kleenex classic, starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman and directed by Michael Curtiz, tops the Writers Guild of America's inaugural list of the 101 Greatest Screenplays of all time.

Seventy-six years ago, Franklin Delano Roosevelt took to the inaugural dais and reminded a nation that its recent troubles “concern, thank God, only material things.”

Barack Obama's inaugural ceremony will include poetry by Elizabeth Alexander and music by singer Aretha Franklin, violinist Itzhak Perlman and cellist Yo-Yo ma.


Our Pentecostal friend Janice Sjostrand sang a powerful hymn Mother had heard at my inaugural church service, Holy Ground.

Steven Gerrard, the Liverpool captain, admitted the task of winning the inaugural Europa League in Hamburg next May represented a dispiriting consolation.

"We can make the old unbelievable, the new achievable," he declared in his state-of-the-state speech on January 19th, echoing what he deemed a clever line from his inaugural address.

The guests had all been personally invited by Mr Mandela to mark the inaugural journey of South Africa's newly renovated equivalent of the Orient Express, called the Blue Train.

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