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欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:2.2W

China's Haier has proved particularly good at market segmentation.

Usually, you will not use all the features for customer segmentation.

Square brackets around a field indicate that the field was not used for segmentation.

For above problems, the paper proposed a segmentation algorithm of gangue image based on image eroding and region growing.

The experimental result shows: under the same condition, the improved maximum match algorithm that based on the two-word bitmap has fastened segmentation speed than original algorithm.

As you develop code to dynamically modify the scene graph, you might encounter an application crash or segmentation violation that occurs during the scene graph modification.

The new climate change site allows users to visualize various data sets in three different ways (motion chart, timeline and world map), allowing for segmentation by region and date.

Segmentation is one of the key elements of revenue management, but what does segmentation really mean?

To improving color segmentation effect of traffic sign under the RGB model, a method for image segmentation based on chromatic aberration was presented.

In this paper, we emphasize on the problems of segmentation and reconstruction of volume data.

Three-dimensional representation and arbitrary region segmentation in 3D reconstruction of virus particles by electron cryo-microscopy

In this empty space in silence, filled with scientists and artists imagined, they let your inner guidance, will be the big span flow space arbitrary segmentation.

Besides the diameter and inclination of pile foundation drill-hole, it can also be applied to other engineering, such as segmentation sinking, caisson sinking and halite mining by water-solution.

Triangular segmentation criterion for DT mesh based video coding

Market segmentation brings us to the third factor that boosts advertising effectiveness.

Lastly two-dimensional entropic thresholding was applied to segmentation image, thus microcalcifications were detected and were marked in mammograms.

Based on level set method and background subtraction, this paper proposed an approach to (realize) robust detection and segmentation of multiple motion objects.


Application of DFT in fingerprint image segmentation

HASH toot table is designed based on a new converse segmentation dictionary, which is a great improvement on traditional segmentation dictionary.

The basic feature of texture segmentation and its use in processing lace image and distinguishing also introduced.

The HSI color model is not sensitive to light, so we can use it for color calibration, image segmentation by run-length code, and objection recognition to the ball, goal, and the white lines.

Dirichlet process mixture model SAR image segmentation algorithm

Curvature segmentation method is a multi-threshold selection method through searching valley based on histogram cumulative distribution function.

This allows more segmentation of user memory.

Generally speaking, to segment an image is very difficult. The current image segmentation algorithm is the technology aiming at the object of segmentation and it is also related to the certain issues.

Underwater acoustic image segmentation based on deformable template

You can also consider a model that takes into account the global properties of sentence segmentation (e. g. , sentence length distribution). Tune all the parameters on the development set.

Then using workforce market segmentation theory I analyzed the impact of the flow of rural laborer to cities on the urban employment and the wage rate.

Take Another Look at segmentation.

The point cloud segmentation is an extremely essential step in the reverse model design. The segmentation results will affect the surface fitting and the CAD model reconstruction quality directly.

Wenchuan earthquake; Yingxiu-Beichuan fault; activity segmentation; assessment of earthquake magnitude; recurrence interval of strong earthquake;

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