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欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.88W

Syntactic iconicity provides a new perspective for the study of English and Chinese syntactic differences.

This paper attempts to analyze the significance of the theory of iconicity in creating advertising English. Hopefully it will bring some inspiration to the advertising English writers.


The two-dimensional natures of languages;arbitrariness and iconicity;

The natural relationship between the signifier and the signified is iconicity.

Discussing iconicity and its cognitive foundation in the field of text with typical iconic principles can help the readers understand the text more intuitively and effectively.

On the syntactic iconicity of the non-restrictive-ing clause in image schema

Onomatopoeia, a special kind of modern Chinese words, imitate sounds of nature or human with proximity iconicity.

The functions of deviated rhetoric can be found in onomatopoeia, iconicity and aesthetics.

The way that metaphorical iconicity is different from imagic iconicity and diagrammatic iconicity lies in that the former is based on metaphor.

Mainly such aspects as the markedness, the relation of figure and ground, the conceptual iconicity, the semantic prototype and its change, and the mental space of negation are dealt with.

Iconicity functions both in cognition and representation. As a rhetoric device, language iconicity is found in every aspect of poetry helping to create images and bring about harmony.

The researches on iconicity, a branch in Cognitive linguistics, have shown that various iconic features are salient in advertising language.

In the underlying sentence without pragmatic constraints, the chunk order depends on the iconicity to temporal sequence.

Tags:iconicity 造句
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