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“originally thought”簡單造句,originally thought造句子

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But what are Tours, Blois, Angers, Reims and Nantes doing there? Pre-Katrina, this prophecy was originally thought to refer to France.

However, it was originally thought that people would miss out only in exceptional circumstances and the vast majority of those whose applications were accepted would get the tickets they wanted.

originally thought造句

Something originally thought to be deeply rooted in the heart is forgotten somewhere in a corner.

As already stated it was originally thought that the aspects were created by dividing the circle by the numbers 2, 3, 4 & 6.

The USF team found that not only has oil settled to the seafloor further east than originally thought, but it has done so at levels toxic to Marine life.

"Since then we've found that microbes are a lot more rugged than we originally thought," he added. "in addition, Mars might be more hospitable to life than we originally thought."

I believe that one reason Chen Jianghua and han Shuo have not developed as expected is that they are actually significantly older than originally thought.

Haiping originally thought, and so a save enough to buy a house first, and then have their own home it!

For example, I originally thought that XM would support only one style sheet.

Markus Beckedahl originally thought about writing a blog in English but decided against it because there were no German blogs at the time covering the political aspect of the information society.

Homework will often take more time than you had originally thought it would.

If there are 500-1, 000 detected, then it will suggest that there is a lot more to Mercury than anyone originally thought.

Researchers originally thought leptin signaled the body to stop eating and hoped that it might be harnessed as a weight-loss drug.

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