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Obviously, I think the answer is a resounding yes.

HIS FIRST CONFRONTATION WITH the seneschal had been a resounding victory.

But bishops and clergy in the church's General Synod gave a resounding thumbs down to proposals to amend church law to allow ministers to dress more casually.

Although demagogued as a "death panel," a program in Wisconsin to get patients to talk to their doctors about how they want to deal with death was actually a resounding success.

The film was a resounding success.

Chicago's resounding loss is something of a blow to his star power.

The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms!

Assuming that you are capable of holding on to the key, just press the giant red button and a resounding belch will issue forth from your Beer pager beer cozy/coaster.

I heard our harmonies resounding from the stadium's giant speakers.

I believe the answer to this question is a resounding, "Yes!"

Calderon stressed that he personally still opposed legalisation, but his willingness to debate the idea was, for some, a resounding crack in the international drug policy edifice.

Her new novel is resounding in the entire nation.

The answer was not, as it usually is, a flat-out no: it was a resounding perhaps.


We warmly greet your resounding victories.

The same poll pointed to a resounding victory for the SPLM in the south, where voting on the day was a much calmer affair.

Finally, let me wish the Fourth Chinese-Foreign University Presidents Forum a resounding success.

However, the rings are still resounding in the room.

Behind them, the great iron doors closed with a resounding clang.

The evening was a resounding success.

Whether the report presages a victory so resounding that it ends the long war, or just another inconclusive skirmish, now depends on the 100 battle-hardened warriors of the Senate.

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